Our Team


John Liotti

John is passionate about motorcycles. Born into a motorcycle household, his first memories are watching his Dad racing in the Northeast. Growing up in the sport he has continued riding for his whole life. In his ‘day job’, John runs a non profit organization helping youth and young adults achieve economic freedom.(www.able.is). He has been married to his long-suffering partner Melissa since two strokes ruled the world. He has one son, Samuel and two hyperactive dogs. John is also known as “Stumpy” from the award winning ‘Motorcycles and Misfits” podcast.


Melissa Liotti

The perfect wife, Melissa indulges John’s motorcycle habit with gusto. She assists with the administration and support of Big Thumpers, adding the needed class and style to the organization.


Samuel Liotti

Sam brings technology support and the all important connection to the next generation. Sam helps with logistics, social media, security and all around support.

Alejandro PabloAlejandro is an accomplished rider and tour leader. He helps with with leading group and individual rides, route reconnaissance, planning and support. Alejandro is also a school teacher teaching high school level biology.

Alejandro Pablo

Alejandro is an accomplished rider and tour leader. He helps with with leading group and individual rides, route reconnaissance, planning and support. Alejandro is also a school teacher teaching high school level biology.